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    Learn About Holistic Healing
    Holistic healing goes beyond merely treating symptoms, and instead uses them as a guide to address the root cause of the problem.
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    Chakra Healing & Balancing
    Chakras are spinning energy centers located throughout your body that influence and reflect your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
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    Energy Healing
    Energy healing may be combined with other holistic modalities during a session, with the goal to release obstacles and to create a natural life force flow throughout the body.
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    Spiritual Counseling
    Spiritual counseling and guidance encompasses many holistic healing therapies and is used to bring about clarity, awareness, peace, and overall health and wellbeing.

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Holistic healing is an approach to wellness that treats the whole person as one integral being.
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Reiki is a form of energy work conducted through a laying on of hands or from a distance.
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Spiritual healing encompasses holistic therapies designed to contribute to spiritual awakening.

Distance Sessions

Energy work and spiritual healing does not need to take place in person. In fact, it can be even more effective when you are relaxed in your own environment. Whether yours is a distance healing or counseling, Carina conducts all of her sessions remotely either over the phone or via Zoom. Sit back in your favorite chair, close your eyes and get comfortable, and let the healing begin.

Lightworker Mentoring

Are you a lightworker looking for some direction or for someone to teach you techniques and methods to use in your own healing practice? Carina has guided many lightworkers to find their abilities and to thrive in their own successful practices. From enhancing your energy flows to clearing the blockages that hold you back, this mentoring program will let you grow into the healer you are.


About Carina

Carina Bachman is a skilled and dedicated spiritual holistic healing arts practitioner specializing in energy healing, intuitive counseling, and spiritual life guidance. Utilizing her abilities as a Reiki Master/Teacher, certified ThetaHealer, empathic healer, spiritual and medical intuitive, holistic counselor, and ordained minister, she engages with you on many levels to facilitate profound, deep healing of issues related to physical, mental, and emotional pain. Working internationally, Carina employs an extensive range of holistic healing methods via phone or video call distance sessions specifically tailored to your unique needs, focusing on the mind-body-spirit connection to achieve healing, joy, peace, health, and well-being. Learn More...