Custom Payments

The fees for holistic healing sessions and additional services are described below. Payment can be made through Venmo (@Carina-Bachman), or PayPal(credit card) by clicking on Add to Cart below.
Fees are to be remitted at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.

Custom Payments

Use the form below for custom payments. Please be sure to indicate your name and exactly what the payment is for in the "Payment Notes".

* Payments made through this box are processed separately from the items above and will not be included in an order placed there.

Enter amount:

Payment notes:

Payments through Paypal

Please contact us to make a payment other than with Paypal


Please be informed that Carina is a professional holistic healer, certified in multiple healing modalities. She is not a physician, psychiatrist or any other type of medical practitioner, and the healing processes offered here are not intended to be a substitute for appropriate medical treatment.

Cancellation Policy

If you find it necessary to cancel your appointment, 24-hour notice is required in order to receive a refund and to give those on the waiting list a chance to schedule an appointment.

Please note that sessions canceled less than 24 hours in advance or failure to appear for a scheduled session does not relieve the obligation of payment in full, which will need to be paid before any future sessions can be scheduled.