Custom Payments
Use the form below for custom payments. Please be sure to indicate your name and exactly what the payment is for in the "Payment Notes".
* Payments made through this box are processed separately from the items above and will not be included in an order placed there.
Please be informed that Carina is a professional holistic healer, certified in multiple healing modalities. She is not a physician, psychiatrist or any other type of medical practitioner, and the healing processes offered here are not intended to be a substitute for appropriate medical treatment.
If you find it necessary to cancel your appointment, 24-hour notice is required in order to receive a refund and to give those on the waiting list a chance to schedule an appointment.
Please note that sessions canceled less than 24 hours in advance or failure to appear for a scheduled session does not relieve the obligation of payment in full, which will need to be paid before any future sessions can be scheduled.